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Types of Tracks in Rhapsody

There are two basic types of tracks you can use with Rhapsody Rhapsody tracks and local tracks.

Rhapsody tracks come from Rhapsody (The Music Guide, Playlist Central, or My Rhapsody). You can have three different varieties of Rhapsody tracks in your Library:

Local (Non-Rhapsody) tracks are imported from a CD, imported from your hard drives, or from some other source.

The type of track determines what you can and can't do with that track. To find out a track's type, look at the Track Type column in My Library.

Tell me more about track types in My Library.
What's the difference between Rhapsody tracks and non-Rhapsody tracks?
What can I do with the different track types?
What happens to my Rhapsody tracks if I end my membership?
What about Rhapsody Radio channel tracks?

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