Help Rhapsody

Sharing Music

You can share your Rhapsody listening experience with your friends. Post a RhapLink to music on your web site or blog, email or IM a RhapLink, post music links on Facebook or Twitter, publish playlists to Playlist Central, or share playlists you find there.

You can share any Rhapsody track. Local tracks (imported CD tracks and files added from your hard drives) are not available for sharing.

Tell me about the ways I can share music.
Tell me where I can start sharing.
Tell me how to email a RhapLink (music link).
Tell me how to generate a RhapLink to post on my website or blog.
Tell me how to generate a RhapLink for IM.
Tell me how to publish a playlist to Playlist Central.
Sharing tips

Note: Recipients of shared music who don't have Rhapsody software on their computers will be directed to when they start to play the music you've sent them.

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