Rhapsody Premier subscription benefits:
- Unlimited access to our vast catalog of music. Stream where you want, when you want.
- Unlimited access to commercial-free Rhapsody Radio stations.
- Use Rhapsody on your home audio devices and fill your home with music.
- The Rhapsody Software--download and use it to manage your music.
- Sign in to Rhapsody.com from any computer and see your library of and playlists.
- Authorize up to three (3) PCs. Authorizing a computer allows you to download Rhapsody subscription music without having to buy it.
- Authorize one (1) Rhapsody compatible portable device, and transfer downloaded Rhapsody music without having to buy it. (2,333 track limit for offline playback.)
- Use the Rhapsody application on your iPhone or Android phone to put our entire catalog in your pocket.
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Rhapsody Software here.